Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Escaping from the Death

Escaping from the Death

One summer day, a group of friends rented a cottage near the sea for their vacations. They stayed in that place for several weeks with the idea of spending the best summer of their lives, but something strange happened. One night when George, who was the funniest of the group disappeared without an explanation. At that time, everyone became concerned and searched in the house. Jessica was the next one to disappear while looking for a CD. Then the most scaried of the group called Nicole, opened a closet on the second floor and found the bodies of all her friends, murdered in cold blood. Robert called Nicole and she realized that the murderer was Robert, so she escaped by jumping through the window and running down the road. When Robert appeared from the bushes, he murdered Nicole, stabbing her over and over again while he ate her guts ending with the lives of all his friends ... the end 

Monday, 9 May 2011


Hello and welcome to the life and happiness!!!.

link: http://www.rong-chang.com/easyread/emx/emx15601.htm

In the last exercise we did in class ,I realized that I learned new words and also how to order properly,
I think that every day I talk a little more and although, they are hard for me a few things I like that kind of exercises that help me more in every moment!


Sunday, 8 May 2011

What I think about marriage

I think that marriage is a beautiful way to link two people forever. The most important thing is the love and confidence because these factors are essential to the relationship.
At the moment, I don´t have a relationship and the marriage is not the most important thing in my life because I want other things for my future.